Faustians and Possible Recruits
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Name Deal Status Miles Aldon(Testicules) Wrestling Success Renounced Sebastion Bach Music Success Jacobus Blitzer Author Immortality Renounced Terry Culpepper Boxing success Renounced Lita Ford Music Success Sunny Grimes Acquittal from criminal charges Renounced Harlowe Heavy Metal Success Renounced Laphreaque Jackson Golfing Success Renounced Lily Singing Success Sergé Family Immigration to USA Deceased Terry H. Love Love Morlock Gregor New Hair-styling success Renounced Pantera Music Success Farley Polatt Assassination of enemy Renounced Desmond Rossmore - Flesh Shepherd Music Success Renounced Kelli Samakand's Mother Daughter's Life Styx - the group Music Success C. Arthur Troust Author Immortality Renounced Gus Wine Acting Success Renounced